27-year-old, Mmeli Bruce Moyo is a politician who has previously occupied several public offices such as SRC president at Harare Polytechnic institute, Treasure General at ZINASU and director of Young Initiatives Zimbabwe among others.

He is running for the office of ward 22, Bulawayo which covers Nkulumane areas under the Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) party.

Mr. Moyo said, returning the city’s ‘dignity and pride’ which is the legacy of Nkulumane and the rest of Bulawayo as it was created by the late Vice President of Zimbabwe, Joshua Nkomo, motivated him into running for the public office of being a councillor for Ward 22.

Moyo further added, that a few young people across the country are keen into developing the country hence this is evident by him and others running for public offices this year especially in his party CCC.

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He informed My Afrika Magazine, that social and political uprise from the past such as Soweto Uprising, Chimurenga of Zimbabwe, The Fees Must Fall in South Africa among others, are political movements which were driven by young people with an agenda to develop their environment.

Highlighting some of the roles that he has played in his community, Ndlovu has been a human rights activist especially in the education sector, pushing for education for all. This includes fair fees for all students and student funds.

The aspiring candidate for ward 22 has been lobbying those who are in authority including the Ministry of finance when it comes to students’ funds.

Moyo told this reporter that his campaign along with his fellow party members in CCC in ward 22 and across the country have been driven by people of all age groups mainly dominated by the youth and women.

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Mmeli Bruce Moyo said his main agenda when voted in office, is to build a community consensus committee that will involve every stakeholder within ward 22. He added that water crisis and reviewing urban council act are some of the issues that he and his other party members will look at when voted in offices as councillors.

“Water crisis has been a challenge to people in Nkulumane and across Bulawayo. Urban areas have been turned into rural areas instead of being developed into modern urban area,” he said.

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