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Meet Valentine Shoti Aka Mai Dovi

August is set aside as a month were we celebrate women power, the role they have played in the globe’s economy,social and other fields across the globe sector.

IMG-20210314-WA0017 From Passion to leaving the DREAM

Today we celebrate, Valentine Shoti a young Zimbabwean business owner she shares with how his dream started to exist when he was a teen.

Valentine Shoti, 24years old, is the CEO and founder of Organut Manufacturers Private Limited Company. Being well known as Mai Dovi a nickname which turned out to be a vibrant,” Mai Dovi Brands” gained after inventing the first ever herbal and flavored peanut butter in Zimbabwe.

She invented into ‘Organut’ at the age of 14 when she was in form 2 at Zengeza High School in a bid to create a new product made with vital  herbal plants which will be both highly nutritious as well as extra ordinarily delicious so that, 84 year old diabetic, arthritic, blind, constipated and high blood pressured  maternal grandmother who could not withstand the bitter and unpleasant smell of herbs could be able to take herbs indirectly in form of the new delicious product!

Valentine also wanted to create a product that, she could commercialize and help, her to raise little funds assist to pay school fees for herself and that of her siblings as well as to pay for their monthly rentals and food since she, automatically become the leader of a child headed headed family to her little sisters after the tragic death of both of her parents.

“With Organut my aim was to provide a product that is 100% organic and of a good health benefit to the consumers.

“I want to transform health by bringing in reformative formulas. I believe what we eat determines our lifespan. Together we can eat better and maintain good health,” explained Shoti.

Her products come in a variety of flavours, something which has never been done before in Zimbabwe and in Africa at large.

For that new invention  she received 20 merit awards  and special recognition from YETT, Youth Connect Zimbabwe, Research Council of Zimbabwe through the International Research Symposium, UNDP, CBZ Youth Entrepreneurship Program and various others.

Valentine Shoti plans to take her business into international world.

“I would  love to take my business to the greatest of heights and would welcome any developmental support I can get in order to make this happen. As a youth, I believe my future and that of my siblings is in my hands,” she said.

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