Zimbabwean visual artist Keith Zenda is participating in the inaugural Asian-African Contemporary Exhibition at Sang Myung University’s Future Centennial Hall, Gallery Wolhae in South Korea.

In an exclusive interview with My Afrika Magazine reporter Tapiwanashe Rubaya, renowned visual artist Keith Zenda expressed his profound joy and expressed his honor in being able to represent both Zimbabwe and the African continent as a whole.

“I feel honoured to be representing the continent of Africa and the recognition this brings to my work,” said Keith Zenda.

He further added that the exhibition was celebrated in an ‘outstanding way’. Some of his art work sold on the first day of the exhibition.

The exhibition, which commenced on August 25th, is set to run until September 10th and has already attracted a plethora of visitors from various regions, including Asia, Europe, and America. Moreover, it serves as an opportunity for a cultural exchange between Zimbabwe and South Korea.

“I feel honoured to be representing the continent of Africa and the recognition this brings to my work,” said Keith Zenda. He further added that the exhibition was celebrated in an ‘outstanding way’. Some of his art work sold on the first day of the exhibition.

WhatsApp-Image-2023-09-01-at-12.29.47-768x1024 Zenda  represents Africa in South Korea

Mr Zenda is not only exhibiting his finished products, he is also painting live in front of the guests at the exhibition center.

“During my live painting session at the gallery, visitors will be able to observe the process,” proclaimed Zenda.

We at MyAfrika Magazine would like to wish Keith Zenda the utmost success as he strives to impact and bring the much-needed recognition to virtual artistry.

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