RWANDA: The City of Kigali is the capital of Rwanda and is located at Rwanda’s geographical heart. Occupying an area of 730km2, the City is located at latitude 10o58’ S and a longitude 30o07’ E.The average annual precipitation rate is approximately, with an annual average high temperature of 27oC and annual average low temperature of 16 oC.
The City of Kigali is composed of three Districts namely Gasabo, Kicukiro and Nyarugenge. Gasabo is the largest district by geographical area at 429.3km2, followed by Kicukiro (166.7km2) and Nyarugenge (134km2). The City of Kigali population is 1,745,555 the datsource is the fifth Rwanda Population and Housing Census (RPHC5).

The districts are also divided into 35 administrative sectors which in turn are divided into 161 Cells.The smallest administrative unit is the village and the City is made up of 1,155 villages.The City boarders the Gicumbi and Rulindo Districts of Northern Province, Bugesera and Rwamagana Districts of Eastern Province and Kamonyi District of Southern Province. Kigali is the most visited area in Rwanda. It houses several tourism sites, hotels, and a centrally placed International Airport.
A new International Airport in Bugesera to serve Kigali is under construction about 15 km to the east of the City.The City of Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda has seen rapid growth for the last two and half decades. It is among the fastest growing cities in Africa with an urbanization annual growth rate of 4% and it contributes over 41% of the national GDP which indicates the primacy of Kigali to the Rwandan economy.
This growth has been driven by visionary leadership in Rwanda which has helped transform the country from a low scale agrarian economy to an active player within the regional economy. Kigali has been at the centre of the transformation in Rwanda and is on the threshold of rapid economic growth. (S: https://www.kigalicity.gov.rw )