Last year a clip of Julius Malema went viral singing, “Kill the Boer,” at an EFF rally. Elon Musk together with the ‘white community’ on X went on to call out black South Africans, insinuating there is a ‘white genocide’ in South Africa taking place in Nelson Mandela’s rainbow nation, killing any imagined hope of a nation driven by a #strongertogether theme and memes.
Pardon Danhire, a thirty seven year old Zimbabwean gardener was arrested a few weeks later for murdering Nadine Terblanche, his boss’ girlfriend and her son Ruandré Vorster who was 9 years old. The story was featured on X (Twitter) @EndWokeness page cementing the allegations that black people hate white people. However, after further investigations it has been discovered that Freddie Stapelberg, Nadine’s boyfriend was the one who murdered mother and son.
It is said that close family members are responsible for most house homicides, including farm murders. Following this murder, two perilous propaganda were put into circulation. Just by the gardener being Zimbabwean, xenophobes blamed him, running with the agenda that foreigners are the ones committing crime in South Africa.
It seems as if whenever a crime involving a foreigner is committed, Zimbabweans are the first ones to be blamed. Right wing radicals vilified black South Africans for an act carried out by a white offender. When Oscar Pistorious shot Reeva Steenkamp, an imaginary ‘black’ intruder was blamed first.