“The purpose of life is the pursuit of happiness and the avoidance of pain.” Epicurus
“Blessed is he, who in the name of goodwill and charity sherphards the young/weak/blind/ignorant through the valley of darkness; for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost souls.”
Welcome back. Today and in coming days, weeks, months, years and indeed the rest of my days I would like to talk about something very close to my heart. Something about which I have grown passionate. I want to talk about mental health. This term has in recent times been volleyed back and forth in never ending rallies, although the majority of the population are not fully aware of its meaning and/or importance.
So what is mental health? Mental health is a state of mental wellbeing that enables a person to cope with the stresses of life. It can also be defined as the capacity of an individual to feel, think and act in ways that enhance their ability to enjoy life and deal with challenges and stress.
Growing up we are fed and conditioned to take care of our physical health. Even till this day I still hear echoes of;
“Keep your body clean”,
“Brush and floss to preserve your teeth”,
“Eat properly”,
“Drink lots of water, get enough rest and excercise”,
“Get medical attention if you feel any ache or pain”.
Fair enough, our body is a temple and needs the utmost in care. But what of our spirit? What of our mental, spiritual and emotional wellbeing?
So you may now be asking as to how one can care for and preserve their mental health. Well its quite simple;
– Refrain from harmful drugs.
– Do not take excessive amounts of alcohol.
– Seek to live within the truth, and the law.
– Avoid promiscuity.
– Keep away from bad company, and in so doing you will avoid sin.
– And by simply doing unto others as you would like them to do unto you.
I personally feel that by sticking to these principals, you will find yourself well on the road to leading a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. You will find yourself on the road to happiness. In coming days, weeks and months I shall attempt to touch on the various ways by which one can preserve and care for their mental health. With real life references to my life I shall mostly be speaking from first hand experiences, and it feels fitting to start with speaking about how the company one keeps can affect an individuals mental health.
“I know the heavy burdens that God has placed upon us […] He has given us a desire to know the future, but never gives us the satisfaction of fully understanding what he does.” ~ Ecc 3v10-11
If I could have predicted the future and foreseen the storm coming i would have maybe done certain things differently. I would have never watered relationships that were not meant to grow in my life. I would have never grabbed onto the coat tails of people as they were swept away by waves of sin. I would have merely walked away and accepted the the stories of our lives were leading down different paths.
But back then I had not known what I know now and sadly I had begged and pleaded for certain relationships to continue. Unbeknownst to me is that I was filling into the cups of others whilst running mine dry. And it is these relationships that had eventually broken me and led me into a life that was my undoing.
“Dont associate with people who drink too much wine or stuff themselves with food.” ~ Prov 24v20
“When sinners tempt you, my son, don’t give in.” ~ Prov 1v10
For in allowing others to be a part of one’s life, however remotely, they shall in one way or another influence your survival. By choosing wisely who to let in, who to allow into the intimate space you can greatly enhance your own survival potential and at times theirs.This is a way towards a happier life for yourself and others in turn.
True joy and happiness are valuable, but unattainable if one fails to navigate in todays chaotic, corrupt and immoral society. And the first step is picking who to navigate this hostile landscape alongside. From experience (regrettably) I learnt that it is not easy. It takes a great deal of courage to let go of whats familiar and comfortable, even if it is dysfunctional (Courage I lacked during my youth). But by moving on and choosing what and who is best for your journey, will make the road to happiness maneuverable. Try it. Don’t live with regret as I do, its something you owe yourself.
In life every desire, hope and aspiration we have is with the conscious (at times subconscious) need to be free from pain, tragedy and sorrow. Something which can greatly be compromised and threatened by the actions of those we allow into our lives.
I have since learnt from experience (regrettably) that ones happiness can be turned to tragedy and sorrow not only by the dishonesty and misconduct of others. But also by ones dishonesty and misconduct towards others. So I am saying you should be aware that it is not only being wronged that can reduce ones survival and impair ones happiness; but also wronging others.
So as a person it is important to know that it is within ones power to point the way to a happier life. A life attainable only if ones mental health is taken care of, by not allowing external toxic elements as well as toxic manifestations to upset the balance in ones life.
So I urge you my brother/son/friend, take heed of that of which I speak. The road to happiness is best travelled in the company of competent companions. Said road is smoothned in the company of trustworthy people.
“Listen! Wisdom is calling out in the streets and market places, calling loudly at the city gates and wherever people come together.” ~ Prov 1v20
And now it is calling out from the tip of my pen.