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Most elders blame the internet, some think the new generation is too ‘educated,’ that is why they are disrespectful and others have given it the name, ‘WOKENESS’. Is it really the case or it’s because this generation has picked on a lot of social ills that have been swept under the carpet for many years and have chosen to address them?

A fourteen year old girl who was raped by a twenty eight year old man recently died whilst giving birth to twins. It is said her guardians had her move to Harare from Murehwa to avoid the story spreading in her village. In most cases African elders would rather major in the minor than addressing the elephant in the room. When it comes to issues of rape, molestation, cheating spouses especially husbands or gender based violence they turn a blind eye and usually ask you to forgive the other party. Strangely, many of our seniors have persuaded themselves that we are in a better place because of their tribe, culture and customs. They declare that wisdom is radiating from them and console themselves with endearing proverbs and sayings.

All this changes when you don’t greet them, dress ‘inappropriately,’ viewed as promiscuous or decide to do things your own way. Family meetings will be called for, and everyone will be told of how disrespectful you are. Being young, wanting better and having a different mindset is viewed as being disrespectful and not appreciative. Is it because they are the ones behind some social ills and they don’t want the spotlight on them? If that is the case, how can you be respected when you are not a model example?

Our seniors are good at neglecting important socio-economic concerns impacting our people while adhering to thrifty traditional values. We have seen the hate given to the LGBTQIA community in many countries yet there are matters of importance that needs to be addressed like unemployment and corruption.

The ‘I am older than you, so you respect me,’ mentality starts in the home and escalates to the work place and even goes further to our public offices. Is this an African trait or it is a human trait?

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