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The 2023 Zim-Election presidential ballot keeps shrinking with the list of candidates aborting from the train.

On the 8th of August, the leader of the opposition party MDC T, Senator Douglas Mwonzora announced his withdrawal from the presidential race citing unfairness that he and his party were given by the electoral board ZEC. He also said, that by boycotting from the elections does not endorse anyone left in the race.

“We are boycotting the presidential election; we are not participating. We will not back anyone to take part in this farce,” said Senator D Mwonzora.

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The withdrawal comes at a time when MDC’s former spokesperson, Witness Dube deserted the party and joined the ruling party ZANU PF.

In a message sent to this reporter, Dube said his former boss is allowed to follow his footsteps and join the ruling party.

“The man is welcome to join Zanu PF” said Witness Dube

The MDC Party which currently has 68 members in Parliament. This year will only see 24 of their candidates seeking member of Parliamentarian seats out of the 210 House of Assembly seats. 89 of their aspiring candidates for Members of Parliament seats were disqualified by the High Court.

It is not known if the aspiring Councillors and Members of Parliament from the MDC will follow the president and withdraw from the elections.

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