In an exclusive interview with this publication, Ngonidzashe Ronald Gwatidzo (NG) speaks to one of Africa’s rising sport all-rounder coach and director, Munyaradzi Gwanzura.

NG: Brief introduction of yourself and your contribution to Zimbabwe sports so far

MG: Munyaradzi is an Athletics Coach, Sports Administrator, Olympic Ambassador and Sports `Marketer. I am the founder and Managing Director of MWC SPORT which is a Sports Management Company which also runs the MWC SPORT ACADEMY.

My contribution has been through sports marketing mainly. I did this through attending to major regional events and broadcasting on Social Media the talents and achievements of the country. As a coach, I am doing work from a grassroots level through our Kids Athletics program at MWC SPORT.

NG: How did you come about to pursue sports professionally?

MG: As an athlete at University of Zimbabwe, I was among the least talented but the most passionate. I then began my journey through assuming the role of Athlete Manager for top Zimbabwean sprinter, Gerren Muwishi who was at the time transitioning from a Varsity career to professionalism.

NG: What are the benefits to young people if they participate in sport?

MG: Sport contributes immensely towards health. Health comes in the form of mental, physical and social. Young people of this generation are relatively odle and inactive especially with the rise of social media use. That is an unhealthy scenario which sport can address effectively.

NG: Let’s get back to Munya in primary and high school, what was he like growing up ? Was the passion for sport always clear?

MG: The passion for sport has been clear from the onset. I recall my primary school days when I was part of the Athletics and Volleyball teams. In High School I was a jack of all trades but I found a resting place in Volleyball. I attained full colours in Volleyball twice.

NG: What are some of the challenges that you have come  across as a coach and club manager?

MG: The main challenge has always been availability of adequate facilities and equipment to implement the world standard plans I have and we are capable of as a club.

NG: The name Gwanzura comes with a huge reputation to protect. Notably the Gwanzura stadium which was built by the brothers Eric and Phanuel Gwanzura to defy colonial restrictions on access to sporting infrastructure for black Africans. Now, given that, what could be your ultimate goal in your area of excellence? Sports and the Gwanzura name seem like they are refusing to part ways.

MG: The goal is to provide sports leadership that will transform lives. Lives of all stakeholders in sport that is. So eventually I aspire to host World Standard events, build infrastructure and create systems for the advancement of humankind through sport.

NG: In everything people do, there is a force of motivation behind. What could be that one thing that motivates and keeps you going to do better every day?

MG: I love sport. It is my purpose and calling and I am a thousand percent convinced. So for me it is a matter of pursuing the reason for my being.

NG: Where will be Munya Gwanzura in the next 5 to 10 years?

MG: I will be leading one of the key sports organisations in the country and potentially I will be in regional and international committees.

NG: Your words of inspiration to people who might be intrested in your path.

MG: I quote Nelson Mandela “ “Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than governments in breaking down racial barriers. It laughs in the face of all types of discrimination.”

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