5 mins

Zimbabwe’s Afro Jazz artist, Chipo Muchegwa was born in 1992 and is from Norton, a small town outside Harare in Zimbabwe.

Screen-Shot-2022-07-18-at-9.10.05-AM Exclusive with Afro-Jazz Artist Chipo Muchegwa

She was born disabled and is a proud mother of one lovely daughter. To get around, Chipo uses a wheel chair and is able to do a lot of her day-to-day chores herself, including her own makeup matching the day’s mood or event.

My Afrika Magazine journalist, Charmaine Brown (CB) had a chance to talk with Chipo Muchegwa (CM):

CB:  Can you tell us a brief history about yourself and what made you want to become a musician?

CM: Okay I was born in family of two, one boy and one girl. I have always wanted to be a musician since I was a child. I used to sing in the choir at school and church so I always had a passion for music. I am also able to play the Mbira using my feet. I was also featured at Starbright in 2016.

CB: Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of music?

CM: I love going out with friends and also watching movies

CB: Describe your favorite and least favorite part about being a musician.

CM: Being a musician is the most exciting thing, I feel joyous as a musician because that’s where my talent is, we speak our happiness and challenges through music. The career of a musician is very exciting and full of thrill.

CB: Describe your creative process when you write new music.

CM: Well, my creative process is amazing because even when I am bathing, I just start singing then after that I write the lyrics and sometimes it’s the thoughts that counts when I think about what is happening in my life or some people’s lives.

CB: I enjoy that song you featured Terry Gee – Ndezvemoyo, how was the production process of that song and some others even other tracks?

Screen-Shot-2022-07-18-at-9.09.36-AM Exclusive with Afro-Jazz Artist Chipo Muchegwa

CM: Okay my song with Terry Gee, we were called by Makumbe Productions and Terry was informed to call me then we wrote the song and recorded it hence the video was done by Studio Art Pictures TV. I have never had a song that is loved more like this and I am happy because we have a lot of views on that song. To date, I have recorded with, Monolio Mono Mukundu Studios, Kabon Productions and many more local Studios. Some of the songs recorded are Ndizvo Zvandiri, Zhizha, Chii Chinonzi, Moyo Wangu amongst others.

CB: Are there any musicians who inspire you? What qualities do you admire about them?

CM: I like Ammara Brown, Jah Prayzah , Selmor Mtukudzi amongst others and I believe they know what they do in the music sector because I always keep on playing some of their tracks not because some artists are not good no but those are my favorites you know.

CB: What can you say about performing on live shows, is it fun and do you feel nervous sometimes…

CM: Yes, at first, I get very nervous performing on stage but as soon as I start singing then my confidence is boosted. But way back, I was so afraid and nervous but I think with time you end up getting used to the systems.

CB: What advice would you give someone who has just started a musical career?

CM: Okay to those starting their music careers, don’t give up because everyone even me or Jah Prayzah didn’t even give up yes you face challenges along the way but at the end, we win so just be patient and never lose hope to pursue your career.

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