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With just a few days remaining until South Africans exercise their voting rights in the upcoming national, provincial, and municipal elections, politicians have voiced concerns to the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC).

A major concern raised by several political parties, including the Democratic Alliance (DA) and the African Transformation Movement (ATM), revolves around rumors and speculation regarding the potential involvement of Zimbabwe’s ruling party, ZANU PF, in monitoring the elections.

In a letter published on their party website, MP Solly Malatsi of the DA emphasized that his party will take steps to prevent ZANU PF from interfering in South Africa’s elections on May 29th.

GM9rP5FWcAEsJpW-1024x768 IEC Clarifies: ZANU PF not granted observer role in South Africa's elections

“The DA will take all necessary measures to ensure that ZANU PF is prohibited from meddling in our elections and is prevented from observing the electoral process on May 29th,” wrote MP Solly Malatsi.

During a media briefing, the IEC clarified that ZANU PF has not been granted access to participate as observers in the upcoming elections. Commissioner Sy Mamabolo, the Chief Executive Officer of the IEC, provided these details in response to concerns raised by ATM leader and MP Vuyo Zungula.

In his letter to the IEC, Hon. Zungula expressed his party’s concern about reports suggesting that ZANU PF could be involved in observing the elections.

“It is crucial that we protect the integrity of our electoral process and maintain the trust of the South African people in our democratic institutions. Allowing ZANU PF to participate in any capacity would undermine these fundamental principles,” wrote Hon. Zungula.

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