Life as an African athlete living and training in Abu Dhabi presents unique challenges. Adapting to the culture and building relationships with the local community are essential for feeling at home and thriving in such an environment.

In an exclusive interview with Zimbabwean marathon runner Royal Arnold Mabika (RM), he speaks with My Afrika Magazine reporter Tapiwanashe Rubaya (TR) about his journey as an African athlete based in Abu Dhabi and the lifestyle of athletes in the region.

During the conversation, Mabika also shares insights into the upcoming marathon in Berlin and what it means to him to be participating in this prestigious event. The Berlin Marathon is a marathon event held annually on the streets of Berlin, Germany on the last weekend of September. This year, its scheduled for the 29th.

TR: From Beatrice to the world—who is Royal Arnold Mabika?
RM: I’m Royal Arnold Mabika, an athlete based in the Middle East. I come from a small farming town called Beatrice in Zimbabwe.

TR: Who inspired your journey in the world of marathons?
RM: I started running because of people like Nicholas Nyengerai, a former top Zimbabwean athlete who won many races in Europe. He retired around 2011 after winning the Athens Marathon in Greece.

TR: What do you think has contributed to the success of East African countries in producing the best marathon runners?
RM: East Africans are the best marathon runners. I’ve been to Kenya twice to observe how they live, and to be honest, it’s more than a lifestyle for them—it’s their attitude and dedication.

TR: Speaking about your favorite sport, you will be participating in the Great Zimbabwe Marathon as an ambassador. Can you explain more about the race?
RM: As someone from Masvingo Province, being an ambassador for the Great Zimbabwe Marathon is a way of supporting homegrown excellence and showing pride in Masvingo. I also hope to bring in a number of international runners.

TR: Apart from this event, you managed to defend your title at the City Half Marathon in Abu Dhabi.
RM: Yes, I won the City Half Marathon in Abu Dhabi this year. I’ve been competing in this race seriously for the past three years, so it’s become a favorite event for me.

TR: You were also recovering from an injury at that time. Can you tell us about your recovery period and what gave you hope to come back strong?
RM: I had an almost three-month break from running. During that period, I had to start from scratch. I’ve always believed in my running capabilities. Injuries may come our way at any time, but with the love I have for this sport, I always find myself back on track.

TR: Next month, you are participating in the BMW Berlin Marathon 2024. Why is this event unique and important to you?
RM: I’m running the BMW Berlin Marathon for the first time next month. For me, it’s about experiencing one of the big events out there and hopefully gaining valuable experience from running in such a prestigious race.

TR: Mabika, one might wonder, how is life in Abu Dhabi for an African in terms of culture, food, and lifestyle?
RM: Life for an African living and doing sport in Abu Dhabi is not easy. You need to adapt to the culture and familiarize yourself with the people to feel a bit more comfortable in the environment.

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