Zim government plans food security initiatives to fight hunger

Zim government plans food security initiatives to fight hunger

The government of Zimbabwe has combated initiatives aiming to tackle food insecurity which is a direct response to the recent Zimbabwe Livelihoods Assessment Committee and Nutrition assessment report that was spoken at post cabinet briefing by the Minister of Lands, Agriculture Fisheries, Water and Rural development Hounarable Doctor Anxious J Masuka.

During the briefing, it was stated that about 6 million people living in the rural areas and 1,7 people living in the urban areas are in need of food assistance and thus a total of 7,7 million which is half of the nation’s population who are in a dire hunger crisis.

The revised appeal for aid has increased to US$3 billion, from the previously stated US$2 billion, reflecting the severity of the crisis.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa had declared the drought a national disaster and had aimed to mobilise resources from both domestic and international aid agencies.

Recently the Grain Millers Association Zimbabwe announced the introduction of a comprehensive private sector masterplan to ensure adequate supply of grain processed products during the drought period ending 31 July 2025

The masterplan were measures to enhance local production, improve distribution channels and aiming to safeguard food security for all Zimbabwean citizens.

Lisca Philo

Lisca Philo is a female journalism and media student from Zimbabwe Open University. She is a debater and a writer and was also once selected as the vice president of web of life which is a SAYWHAT group of young ladies, teaching about SRHR related things. Voted to be student representative secretary for special needs at Zimbabwe Open University in 2023.. Believes in fighting issues within societies to do with poverty, disability , GBV, drug abuse, and sexual harassment. . Also encouraging development and respecting people's objective from different backgrounds and walks of life

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