Africa always wonders, ‘who would we have been had we not been colonized?’ In place of getting a factual answer to that hypothetical question, imagination has taken that role. From the escapist world of Wakanda (Marvel’s Black Panther) and now ‘Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire’ an animated series that borrows from African myth and legend and marry them with Sci-fi to create riveting new series.
The anthology series contains stories from across Africa including Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwean short movie titled ‘Mukudzei’ tells the story of Mukudezi who a young influencer is who defaces the Great Zimbabwe ruins with graffiti before being transported to the future where he meets a girl named Rumbi who harbors a dark secret.
While in the futuristic Great Zimbabwe, Mukudzei is chased by a large bird named Hungwe (fish eagle) who’s intentions are not clear. ‘Mukudzei’ was helmed by Tafadzwa Hove and Pious Nyenyewa both Zimbabwean born and bred artisans who worked for over three years to get the final product.

The production design borrows from Zimbabwean landscape, showcasing the iconic Zimbabwean conical tower and Zimbabwean birds. People in the futuristic Great Zimbabwe (which was never colonized) fly around in machines like rusero (a flat basket for winnowing allegedly used by witches for travelling).
The characters also speak dominantly in English but break into Shona (a native Zimbabwean language) at some moments. Overall, the short film is funny, satisfying, and thought-provoking. Viewing the series will prove to be a carthatic and uplifting experience for Africans.
The work done on ‘Kizazi Moto’ is a step forward in re-writing and re-branding African narratives and allowing truth to be told by those who know it in its entirety.