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Oriyano is a Zimbabwean singer of note who remembers days when he used to sing at his church as a child. In 2019 he stepped into the studio to record his first song and decided to make his dreams of becoming a professional musician a reality. Today he enjoys an illustrious musical career which has won him the adoration of fans from his native Zimbabwe and across the world.

His latest release “Makarima Mupoto” s already gaining him momentum in the New Year. We roped in the busy star to get insights on his career and artistry. *KM – Kudzai Mhangwa, OR – Oriyano

KM: Thank you so much for agreeing to this interview. Who is Oriyano as a person and as a musician?

OR: Oriyano is an artist born and raised in Zimbabwe in a family of four children. I am the third born.

KM: I heard you started singing in church. From that young age did you ever dream of becoming a professional musician?

OR: I started singing at church around Grade 2. I had always wanted to be a professional musician it was definitely my desire and I am grateful that I am now a professional.

KM: When did you record your first song and how was the experience like?

OR: I recorded my first song in 2019. The experience was nice though the single didn’t go far but I had a great experience even with the people who worked with me.

KM: After you had recorded songs and launched your career, how was it like getting bookings and airplay on radio?

OR: After I launched my career, bookings started coming in. Even now we get bookings for Australia, UK, South Africa and other places. As for radio we are getting great airplay.

KM: What major challenges did you face as an upcoming musician?

OR: As an upcoming artists booking shows was difficult but I’m grateful to God and my supporters because I’m now getting booked as I mentioned earlier. Sometimes you can release a song and it fails to make an impact as much as you’d like, that’s another challenge.

KM: How did you overcome these challenges?

OR: Work! We kept working and made sure people heard my music.

KM: How best would you describe your music?

OR: My music is motivational, inspirational, builds people and unites people especially young people in love.

KM: Who are your major influences in the music industry?

OR: Everybody who as succeeded is my influence. Whether a singer of museve, sungura, Zim dancehall or afro, everyone who has made it influences me.

KM: What can people expect from you this New Year?

OR: Expect big things, mafireworks! We’re going to release more music and do more live performances.

KM: Thank you so much for sitting down with us. What are your final words for readers and your fans?

OR: Keep supporting me. The love that you’re showing is massive and I ask you keep supporting and showing your love. I even get calls from fans who caution me on where I did wrong or right in my work; and I love that! And to those who are upcoming artist is to remain bold, you’ll eventually make it.

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