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Rubbing hands and exchanging fashion ideas with world’s fashion experts and dressing A listers from all works of life. That is one of the major roles that the CG fashion brand founded by Cyril Gopoza Zimbabwe’s international designer based in the second capital of the landlocked Southern Africa country is play in the fashion industry.

Cyril Gopoza is using his talent as a designer to develop Zimbabwe’s fashion sector and to inspire aspiring fashion designers in the international world through his designs. 

My Afrikamag’s senior journalist Tapiwa Rubaya received an invitation from the CG Brand’s founder at their studio.

And our journalist had an opportunity to have a conversation with Cyril who provided more details about the Brand’s vision, and it’s aimed to exhibit the CG’s products International.

TR: How has your journey been since you started in the world of fashion?

CG: Fashion has changed my life so much now i believe it came as a calling to me, I believe I am saving my purpose on earth through a Goldy given talent everything is just connecting itself m not struggling all i do is keep pushing, praying and make sure I am doing the best.

TR: Can you provide brief details about your bio?

CG: I am an urban all-rounder design, flexible to create things that have never been done before.

TR: Speaking about your journey, you were mentored by one of the best Philippines Designer can you tell us more about that and how it has sharpened your fashion skills? 

CG: John Ablaza really played a big role in my life and my brother who is a friend, Tendai Chuba.

Hence, I humble myself and steal this moment to thank them,’ I really appreciate all you have done for me i have grown to be the best designer in our time I believe so.’

TR: How would you define you your brands style? 

CG: I do smart unique staff that you can wear on streets, events and keep outstanding. 

TR: Has your brand evolved if so, can you tell us has it evolved?

CG: So far so good I am doing ok people are reffering each other to the brand, most than me marketing to them.

I believe I am doing a good job and I will keep up the good work and save my purpose, there are things I am working on to make my brand grow bigger, but we all know Rome wasnt built in one day good things take time, hardwork and they need perfection. 

TR: Whom does your brand mainly represent?

CG: My brand is for unique outstanding people with self-love and neatness.

TR: How does your brand manages to create a good clientage/business with its customers? 

CG: I work very hard for all my clients to be happy and satisfied.

TR: What qualifications makes one the best designer? 

CG: Being a designer we deal with people hence you have to know what they like and what suits them then perfect your skills every day and be opened to meet and learn a new thing always, love what you do and do it at your best.

TR: You have worked with multi-award-winning artists can you state who are some of the A listers you have worked with/you working with? 

CG: I have worked with award winning artist (giggles) as i can not mention all of them i just thank them for continous support and God bless them. 

Talents and Rest in power to my brother Cal-vin. 

TR: Cyril are there any plans in presenting your work in International or regional shows and can you state which shows you are hoping to do so? 

CG: I am working on showcasing my staff internationally as I have already created a standard with my first presentantion in the United States, I am not going back wards will keep the ball rolling. 

TR: Currently are you working in any Collection if yes, kindly tell us more about it?

CG: There are some designs I’m working on I would love to showcase. 

Clients can contact me and please get my latests designs 

contact: +263782235345 calls/WhatsApp, Facebook/Instagram: cyrilgopoza

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