African Professor ranked top mathematician in the world

African Professor ranked top mathematician in the world

At just thirty-nine years old, Professor Abdon Atangana has been ranked the top mathematician in the world. He achieved the number one position in applied mathematics, mathematical physics, mathematics, and statistics, and is ranked two hundred and sixty (260) in all of science, technology, and engineering on the Stanford University World’s Top 2% Scientists List.

Originally from Cameroon, Professor Atangana currently lectures at the University of the Free State (UFS) in Bloemfontein, South Africa, where he has lived for fourteen years. He also serves as the chair of the African Mathematical Union Commission for Research and Innovation and is a fellow of the World Academy of the Sciences.

The Stanford University World’s Top 2% Scientists List is regarded as one of the most prestigious lists for professionals in technological and scientific fields.

Picture1-1 African Professor ranked top mathematician in the world

Kudzai Mhangwa

Kudzai Mhangwa is a writer, actor and musician. He writes poetry, plays, essays and short stories. His work has been featured on House of Mutapa, Atrebla Magazine, Ka'edi Africa, Poetry Soup and elsewhere.

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