In a powerful address marking SADC Anti-Sanctions Day, Zimbabwean President and Chairperson of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), Dr. Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, reiterated calls for the immediate removal of sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe. Speaking on behalf of the SADC region, President Mnangagwa emphasized the damaging impact of these measures on Zimbabwe’s economic and social progress, particularly for the most vulnerable in society.

Today marks a historic occasion,” President Mnangagwa began, underscoring the significance of the address as a call for action across SADC nations. Since 2019, October 25 has been recognized as SADC Anti-Sanctions Day, an initiative launched by the 39th SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government in a unified stand against the restrictions. President Mnangagwa acknowledged the continued solidarity among SADC Member States and reiterated the message of past Chairpersons, including outgoing Chair João Lourenço of Angola, in denouncing the sanctions and demanding their immediate, unconditional lifting.

Ordinary people, particularly the vulnerable, bear the brunt of these heinous and inhumane measures,” Mnangagwa stated, expressing the humanitarian and economic toll the sanctions have on Zimbabweans. He urged the international community to reconsider the sanctions’ impact, not only on Zimbabwe but on the region as a whole. These restrictions, he argued, infringe on the basic rights of Zimbabweans and stymie efforts towards regional economic integration and sustainable development.

Sanctions-917x1024 SADC Chair and Zimbabwean President Mnangagwa Calls for Immediate Lifting of Sanctions on Zimbabwe

Ahead of Mnangagwa’s address, the U.S. Embassy in Zimbabwe released statements on social media aimed at clarifying the scope of American sanctions. The Embassy claimed, Does the U.S. have sanctions on Zimbabwe and its people? No, the 16 million people of Zimbabwe are not sanctioned. Only 11 individuals are sanctioned out of 16 million people. #ItsNotSanctions.” In a further statement, the Embassy explained U.S. motivations, stating, Why does the U.S. care about what happens in Zimbabwe? We have partnered with the people of Zimbabwe since 1980. Our goal is to support Zimbabwe’s transition from chronic vulnerability to a more resilient, prosperous, & democratic society.

President Mnangagwa highlighted the collective goal of SADC Member States to maintain a stable and prosperous region, and emphasized that sanctions are counterproductive to these efforts. He noted that the SADC region, while enjoying relative peace, is committed to building an integrated future that leaves no one behind, underscoring the need for sanctions removal to bolster this vision.

The call to action extended beyond regional boundaries, as President Mnangagwa urged progressive nations globally to join the demand for sanctions removal. He appealed to the “conscience of those perpetuating these cruel sanctions,” urging them to consider the harm inflicted on Zimbabwe, the SADC region, and Africa as a whole.

President Mnangagwa concluded by expressing his appreciation for the continued support from allies, underscoring Zimbabwe and SADC’s shared commitment to meaningful socio-economic development. The statement was a rallying call, aiming to amplify the voices of Zimbabweans and SADC citizens who stand in opposition to sanctions and envision a prosperous future free of such impediments.

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