1 4 mins 3 mths

The wise saying: ‘Dynamite comes in small packages’ is true when I speak about Chantel the photographer. I discovered her exceptional work from a colleague and decided to have a few pictures taken as well.

I had an exclusive moment with Chantel Zambukira (CZ) and myself Lingiwe Gumbo (LG), as a creative, I understand that when an artist is given enough room to work and explore, they produce masterpieces.

LG: Please tell us about yourself, your qualifications your hobbies and interests.

CZ: I am Chantel Zambukira but most of my friends call me ‘Chantee babes.’ I recently graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Media and cultural studies at Midlands State University. I love reading novels and writing sometimes. I have got an interest in baking but my passion is in photography and a lot more in the media industry.

LG: When growing up did you have an interest in media, photography or pictures, whether behind or in front of the camera?

CZ: My interest in media grew when I was in form four when I loved watching BBC news. It moved from just a mere interest to a passion as I grew older. I have always wanted to be in front of the camera reporting news, though I ended up having interest in everything else.

LG: How long have you been in media in particular, photography? How has been your experience so far?

CZ: Not counting the time when I was at school and during my attachment, I have realized how carefree and creative I get when I am holding a camera. I never imagined myself being good with the camera especially considering my height.

LG: Let’s talk about your height, has it been a problem or challenge when people meet you for the first time? Please explain.

CZ:⁠ Obviously, when people meet me for the first time they think I do not know what I am doing. They do not even believe that I can take good pictures.

LG: You are still very young and fresh out of university, how is the industry doing according to your experience so far? Would you like to remain in photography or specialize in something else media-wise?

CZ: To be honest, what I expected versus what I found out is different. Due to that I do not think I will remain in photography, but try something new like public relations just to get more time if I am to settle.

LG: As a female creative or media practitioner, have you faced challenges in the industry? Please share examples.

CZ: Yes. Sometimes I meet people who are patriarchal and they do not believe in women who do photography. Being a woman in many industries is difficult. Sometimes you are abused mentally, emotionally or physically but I find myself to be a mentally strong person, hence much of it does not affect me.

LG: How difficult is it becoming a photographer? Apart from the qualifications, which traits must you have for you to be successful?

CZ: To be a successful photographer, you need to be patient, creative, and professional all at once. You cannot afford to be a boring photographer who repeats the same thing over and over. Not only will it bore your clients, but it will also bore you as the photographer. Eventually, you will come across as someone who doesn’t know what they are doing.

LG: Do you have support for your work? Who supports you?

CZ: My parents support me mentally. My colleagues also help me in learning new things every day.

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