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What a journey it has been but it’s only the beginning of yet another phase…’

It was worth waiting for the Flex mixtape by Mc Kampton in the past seven months.

Mc Kampton and the team have been promoting the mixtape before it was released across the country and internationally for the birth of Flextape. They described Flextape as unforgettable when you hear the tracks in the music sector not only locally but internationally.

What one can hear from the Flextape is a luxurious blend of vibes from emotions, commentaries, and melodies that are unique.

The mixtape features prominent artists including Tammy Moyo who features in the track, ‘Kamoto.’

Legendary ‘Bobo Kalabash’ along with Tocky Vibes graced the fourth track song.

In the fifth track, the guest is Takue in the track, ‘Loving’. In the track, Mc Kampton dropped some Spanish lines.

The collaboration with Anita Jaxson in the ninth track, ‘Zvekare’. It was the cherry on top of the cake.

Mc-Kampton1-1024x726 Reasons why you need to listen at the Flex-tape

Track 12 and 13 featured respectively International Kenyan artists Critical and Poptain.
Many of Mc Kampton’s fans believe that the tracks will make it to the top of the local and international music charts

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