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Is Zimbabwe ready to be led by a female leader, this has been a subject of debate for many years in the political play field.

As Zimbabweans are gearing up for the 2023 harmonized general elections, there is only one female presidential candidate left on the ballot paper, after others dropped out. The female aspiring presidential candidate is Elisabeth Valerio, the president of United Zimbabwe Alliance (UZA).

In an interview with UZA’s spokesperson Dzvene, he dismissed the rumor that Zimbabwe is not ready for a female Head of State and described them as old fashionable views. He also added as a party they are not supporting their party President Valerio because of her gender but her attributes.

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“Rumors suggesting that Zimbabwe is not ready for a female president are nothing but baseless and outdated opinions – We are not supporting Elizabeth Valerio because she is a woman, but we choose to support her because she has solutions to the perennial economic challenges, corruption, human rights abuse and poor service delivery in Zimbabwe,” he said.

He further added, that the UZA party believes in women empowerment.

“We recognize the immense potential and capabilities that women bring to the table – UZA stands for meritocracy, where leadership is based on competency and dedication, regardless of gender,”

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Turning to their election campaign, Mr. Dzvene said all has been running smoothly as they have managed to reach out to the citizens of the country.

“We have received positive feedback and support from individuals who are looking for real change and believe in our party’s principles,” said Mr. Dzvene.

When questioned about forging alliance with any party where they didn’t not fill any representative such as Cowdray Park constituency in Bulawayo and other areas, Mr. Dzvene responded by saying,

“It is important to note that UZA remains an independent party, committed to promoting our own principles and values. We don’t engage in blind coalition or support without carefully considering the alignment of objectives and shared values. We priorities Zimbabwe’s best interest in all our decisions,” said Dzvene.

UZA’s Spokesperson said if they win both in Council and parliament, they will address issues faced by people across the nation and improve good social services. In Bulawayo Mr. Dzvene, said promoting local economy and developing the area is their main agenda.

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“If UZA wins, our main agenda in parliament and in councils, including Bulawayo, will be centered around addressing the pressing issues faced by our nation. We aim to promote good governance, economic growth, job creation. Improved social services and protection of human rights,” said Dzvene.

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