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“This journey has been inspired by the work we do at our farm; the introduction of experiential learning has given us an insight into the power of this model of education.

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Our participants have never had any educational experience up until we started the learning centre in 2020. Their reasons for not being in school ranges from a lack of finances to pay tuition and the distance they must walk to access educational opportunities.

As it is I am advocating for free education in primary level especially for rural children. Human right number 26 states: THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION, if it says so then why are many rural children not in school? Because they must pay for it, now. That opens another gap where these children engage in work at a young age and early child marriages have now become rampant. They must do this so they can eat, then there is no time left for school “Let Children be Children.”


· To increase visibility through a documentary of all social change makers who focus on education and learning as a tool to eradicate illiteracy and poverty.

· To Encourage experiential learning for children and youths

· To advocate for free education especially rural primary level children

· Create psycho-social support groups that address the rise in suicide cases, child marriages/pregnancies, child slavery, and overall emotional intelligence in regard to Mental Health.

Children must be out there learning and playing and not becoming adults at their ages! I am going on a journey through Africa, to volunteer my time at children’s homes and learning institutions and create an inspirational documentary.

My journey will start in Zimbabwe towards South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Malawi, and Zambia. My aim is to eventually visit 14 African countries as a celebration of my 14 years as a social change maker. In this main trip till the end of it I would have visited 14 organizations in 7 African countries. On my way back I arrive in Kariba visiting local organizations through to Chinhoyi, Chegutu and Selous, and then I return at the farm closing my exposure visit and start working on the documentary.

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Through this journey I will:

Gain a sense of purpose and increase my knowledge by learning of other ways of life in different communities and countries. Volunteering brings a great sense of team work to any organization. I believe in teamwork and through my 14 years as a social change maker without donor funds I have been asked this question “how you have been doing it?” My answer simply is “Human resources” because you can achieve more and transform communities if you learn to work with those around you. I will share my model of work where I go so that other change-makers can remain sustainable in small or big ways and not succumb to donor fatigue.

There are people out there doing great work, but they lack exposure to the outside world and if they have no means of getting their work to the global platform then that is exactly what I will do through this GREAT AFRICAN EXPOSURE VISIT.

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I will be able to create partnerships and long-lasting friendships that will erase borders and show that we are not in competition as social-change makers, but we are partners with a goal to make the world a better place and there-by working together we save more lives, isn’t it why we started in the first place? It is absolutely.

To find this journey on social media search for #thegreatafricanexposurevisit or #tgaev

You can show your support by sharing this drive with your networks and using the hashtag for easy identification of all supporters


I will commence the journey with the help of a catalyst on the 1st of May 2023. This journey will successfully close on the 17th of June 2023 with hopes that such exposure visits can be done each year to bring to attention the pressing issues at hand and to celebrate work being done by other people and organizations in Africa and globally.”

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Sponsorships and Collaborations

The exposure visit aims to raise at least USD$2000.00, no amount is too small, I am also seeking T-shirts, caps etc that will be branded and shared at each stop and for that I will wear for visibility. Cooperates, organizations and individuals are invited to become part of this journey, as a sponsor you will enjoy a set of perks ranging from your branding being placed in the journey marketing materials, mentions on radio, press, social media.

Want to learn more about the perks? visit the following fundraiser link.


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