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Being a title holder for any pageant comes with a prize amongst it includes saving your community, this is one of the duties that are being conducted by the reigning Mister Mpumalanga, Sithembiso Mhlangu (SM).

Mister Mpumalanga is a provincial pageant in South Africa, with a mandate to empower the boy child in Mpumalanga and promote South Africa’s tourism sector. In an exclusive interview with the reigning Mister Mpumalanga, Sithembiso Mhlangu (SM) he talks to MyAfrika Mag reporter Tapiwa Rubaya (TR) about his journey to the throne.

TR: Shall I start by saying happy belated birthday to you, how did you celebrate your day?

SM: Thank you very much My Afrika Magazine, unfortunately in the office the entire day but I enjoyed my day.

TR: Many believe that being Mister Mpumalanga is not an easy journey. How has your journey been so far, especially working with ABM?

SM: My journey as Mister Mpumalanga has been incredibly rewarding, albeit challenging at times. Working with ABM has been a great experience, and I’ve had the opportunity to grow personally and professionally.

TR: What is the main task of Mister Mpumalanga?

SM: The main task of Mister Mpumalanga is to represent the province at various events and initiatives, promote tourism, and serve as an ambassador for the region most importantly to be a guide to the Boy Child.

TR: How has your community benefited from your reign?

SM: During my reign, I’ve been able to implement several community projects focused on education, health, and youth empowerment. These initiatives have had a positive impact on the lives of many in our community.

TR: Currently, Africa has been affected by youth drug abuse. As a leader, what solutions do you think should be made to tackle the problem?

SM: Youth drug abuse is a serious issue that requires a multi-faceted approach. I believe education, community outreach programs, and access to support services are key to addressing this problem.

R: From here, you will be representing Mzansi at Mister Tourism. How prepared are you?

SM: I am very prepared and excited to represent Mzansi at Mister Tourism. I’ve been working hard to ensure that I am ready to showcase the beauty and diversity of our country.

TR: Mister Mpumalanga is running a campaign to select your successor. What attributes should your successor carry?

425293830_716287240564804_9057448620975990140_n Tackling Youth Drug Abuse: Advocating for a Comprehensive Strategy

SM: My successor should be passionate about serving the community, dedicated to promoting the province, and have a strong commitment to making a positive impact, especially with the Boy child.

TR: What message do you have for the contestants and residents of Mpumalanga?

SM: To the contestants, I would say embrace this opportunity and use it as a platform to make a difference. To the residents of Mpumalanga, thank you for your support. Together, we can continue to make our province proud.

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