KATSAURA: “I’ve been going through a tough patch lately, a reminder that with depression, one can never be fully ‘healed.’

Various triggers can bring about an episode, and I’ve been in the midst of one of the worst I’ve had in a while. The first signs were sleeplessness, loss of appetite, and a lack of joy in things I usually enjoy. Only I noticed these subtle signs, but a bigger warning came through my writing, which turned dark, reflecting a sense of impending doom.

At this point, people around me urged me to focus on happy memories, but I struggled, finding solace only in imagining a time before I was born—an era free of the pain and suffering I’ve caused and endured. During these episodes, I often find myself lost in fantasies of nonexistence, which can be comforting yet dangerous. These thoughts of wanting to vanish or imagining the world without me are what’s known as Suicidal Ideation (S.I.).

What Is Suicidal Ideation?

Suicidal Ideation is when a person contemplates or actively plans to end their life. It is categorized into two types: Passive Suicidal Ideation and Active Suicidal Ideation.

  • Passive Suicidal Ideation occurs when someone wishes to die without planning to take their own life. This may manifest as thoughts like wishing to not wake up after going to bed or hoping to be involved in a fatal accident. While many with Passive S.I. don’t attempt suicide, they may engage in risky behaviors, such as reckless driving or substance abuse.
  • Active Suicidal Ideation, on the other hand, is when the individual begins making concrete plans to end their life, moving beyond mere thoughts of dying.

Symptoms of Suicidal Ideation

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Although symptoms can be subtle and difficult to detect, here are some signs to look out for:

  • A history of self-harm
  • Engaging in reckless or dangerous activities
  • Excessive alcohol or drug use
  • Social withdrawal, isolation, and declining interest in activities once enjoyed
  • Preoccupation with death, expressed through speech or writing

Other physical and emotional symptoms include:

  • Intrusive thoughts about death
  • Insomnia or excessive sleeping
  • Elevated anxiety
  • Sudden weight loss or gain, and poor personal hygiene

Causes of Suicidal Ideation

S.I. often stems from severe mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder, which can be either genetic or triggered by external factors. Extreme trauma, abuse, neglect, and major life changes can also contribute to the development of S.I.

What to Do if You or a Loved One Is Struggling

If someone is experiencing S.I., seeking professional help is essential. Treatment may include therapy, medication, and in some cases, hospitalization. Addressing both the ideation and its root causes is crucial for long-term recovery.

If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, don’t hesitate to seek help immediately. Remember, support and recovery are possible.

(End note: If you or a loved one needs immediate help, reach out to a mental health professional or contact your local suicide prevention hotline.)

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   So in parting I want to say;

       “Take care of yourself and each other, and remember,  SUICIDE IS A PERMANENT AND PAINFUL SOLUTION TO A TEMPORARY PROBLEM.”

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