Miss Supranational Zimbabwe prepares for 2025 with new leadership and renewed confidence

Miss Supranational Zimbabwe prepares for 2025 with new leadership and renewed confidence

The license holders of Miss Supranational Zimbabwe, under the banner of The Zimbabwean Queens (TZQ), have joined forces with other African license holders from Togo and Namibia.

Tania Tatenda Aaron, who oversees Miss Supranational Zimbabwe, confirmed that Yollanda Chimbarami will continue her journey and represent Zimbabwe in the 2025 edition of the pageant. “We have full confidence in her ability to showcase the beauty, grace, and intelligence of Zimbabwe on the global stage,” said Aaron.

Yollanda-586x1024 Miss Supranational Zimbabwe prepares for 2025 with new leadership and renewed confidence
Miss Supranational Zimbabwe 2024 Yollanda Chimbarami

Aaron also announced that Mr. Farai Zembeni has stepped down as President of TZQ, and a new board for the organization will be announced at a later date. However, the statement did not clarify whether a delegate for Mister Supranational Zimbabwe will be named this year. The last delegate to represent Zimbabwe at Mister Supranational was Tatenda Njanike.

In a related development, the Miss Supranational Namibia Organization released a statement in May announcing the postponement of the selection and crowning of Miss Supranational Namibia 2024. The winner will now be crowned in November 2024 to allow more time for preparation for the 16th edition of Miss Supranational in 2025. Entries will reopen, with a new closing date of July 31, 2024. “Our current finalists will continue their journey during this period. We, unfortunately, do not have enough time to select someone at the beginning of the year and be ready to send a representative with just a few weeks of preparation,” said Miss Supranational Namibia Director Willem Fourie.

Fourie added that obtaining visas is a significant challenge for pageant directors, particularly since the event moved to the European summer. “Obtaining visas on time tends to be a challenge due to time constraints. Namibia has been performing really well at Miss Supranational, and we want to ensure we send exceptional candidates year after year,” said Fourie.

On Instagram, the Mister Supranational 2024 Sierra Leone delegate shared positive news with his fans, announcing that he has successfully obtained a visa to Poland after a previous rejection. “I have been looking forward to participating in Mister Supranational for over a year now, despite my fears about the visa process after the previous rejection,” said Bangura. (Source: IGboyfree)

Tapiwa Rubaya

Tapiwa Rubaya is the current affairs, fashion and sports reporter at My Afrika Magazine.

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