7 mins

We should not underestimate the authors’ role in society. From the beginning of time, knowledge has been shared from generation to generation thanks to storytellers who used their artistry to pass on information, knowledge, and wisdom to their community. Writers start writing in solitude, but once the work is done, they wish for their words to be read and shared with the public at large.

My Afrika Mag reporter Lingiwe Gumbo (LG) had a chance to meet with the passionate writer, award-winning and best-selling author of the book titled ‘The Power of Wisdom,’ Kudakwashe Muganu (KM), to explore his writing journey.

Muganu has worked with multiple magazines and newspapers as a columnist, and his craft focuses on youth empowerment and mentoring upcoming authors.

LG: Please tell us about yourself.

KM: My name is Kudakwashe Muganu. I am 28 years old and currently based in Johannesburg, South Africa. I am the author of the book titled ‘The Power of Wisdom.’ My upcoming project is called ‘Who Does Not Want to Quit?’

Besides writing, I love reading, swimming, and traveling. This is how I learn about new cultures, languages, and meet new people. My favorite meal is Sadza and derere. I enjoy traditional food because it is very healthy for our bodies. My favorite color is white, which stands for peace, and I am a man who loves peace and harmony.

WhatsApp-Image-2024-07-16-at-07.15.12-1 An exclusive with Best-Selling author Kudakwashe Muganu

LG: When you were growing up, what did you want to become or do? Did you manage to do it? If not, what do you think were the challenges?

KM: When I grew up, I wanted to be an accountant. It did not go that way because my parents wanted me to be an engineer, and I ended up taking that route. I found the engineering field interesting as well. It opens up your mind to be creative, solve problems, be innovative, and become an effective leader.

LG: Has writing always been part of the plan?

KM: I never thought I would be a writer one day. When I was in primary school, I really enjoyed reading newspapers, magazines, and novels, and I maintained that habit to this day. I always had a quest for knowledge and a curiosity to know more. Most of the time, I would spend my time in the library. I am the kind of person who loves to know the truth, not just facts. In most cases, the truth is hidden in books. When I became born again, I discovered that I had a calling to write. I did not struggle in this field because my mind was already transformed by being exposed to a lot of information.

LG: You have a new book. What is it about? When you thought about writing the book, what was on your mind? What did you want to teach in the book? Who is your audience for this book?

KM: The new book is called “Who Does Not Want to Quit School?” Many people go to school without knowing why they are going. As a result, they are bound to drop out or take paths that can lead to drug abuse, teenage pregnancy, committing crimes, idleness, partying, or joining gangs. Education is a fundamental foundation for everyone because it helps a person think better, adapt more easily, communicate well, and read and write effectively.

Imagine if you are illiterate today—how will you survive in an informed world with an uninformed mindset? Education is not just to make your school teacher or parents happy; it is for your own good. School is a personal investment that benefits you throughout your life.

The purpose of my writing is to solve problems. My main aim was to educate people on why school is important. Many go to school as a tradition because there is no one to look after them if they don’t, or they see their peers going and follow suit. Parents need to teach their children the importance of education. The book highlights why school is crucial. Everyone is a student of life. The moment you stop learning, you start dying. I strongly believe that everyone is a student. Nowadays, people learn online, via YouTube, or in Zoom meetings. You do not necessarily need to wear a school uniform to be a student. For example, a spouse may desire to be a good chef to have a happy family.

WhatsApp-Image-2024-07-16-at-07.15.11-1-768x1024 An exclusive with Best-Selling author Kudakwashe Muganu

“The moment she starts buying educational materials such as books, DVDs, watching videos on YouTube, or asking someone to mentor her, she automatically becomes a student. No one knows everything on this earth; we learn each and every day. This book covers all ages—parents, students, spouses, grandmothers and grandfathers, teachers, etc.”

LG: What do you believe you were born or created to do? Are you anywhere near achieving that goal or purpose?

KM: I sell ideas that transform an ordinary person into a wonder. This is why I am a motivational speaker, life coach, preacher, writer, and author. All these platforms are channels for transferring ideas from one person to another or to a group of people. I am already on the path of my assignment, doing what God has called me to do on this earth.

Words of wisdom: If you want to kill a cat, give it a bad name; you can easily kill it. If you hate school, this is a simple way of destroying your future.

Muganu’s social media handles:

Facebook and Instagram – Kudakwashe Muganu

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