11 mins

The Gospel of Truth is preached in numerous ways but through the same Spirit. Music genres are but channels by which the Word of God can be easily grasped by believers or to be believers. This article is meant to inspire and motivate someone to live according to the assignment given by the creator.

Dr Kay Morris’ portfolio is very extensive but in a nutshell, she is a Jamaican by birth living in Toronto, Canada. She was raised by two Pentecostal Minister parents and she started singing at the tender age of four. Fascinated by this woman, I roped her in on a conversation about her gospel journey.

LG: Who is Dr Kay Morris? Tell us about yourself. Your journey of life?

KM: I am a Gospel Hall and Wall of Fame Inductee; a multi-award-winning International reggae Gospel recording artist, and Grammy Considered singer/songwriter. I am a global humanitarian/philanthropist, Ordained Reverend, Fashion Designer, Youth Mentor, Preacher/Teacher, Professional Christian Life Coach, and women empowerment conference speaker. In 2019 I had a historic milestone accomplishment; I was among the first 7 women to be ordained to the office of Bishop in Pentecostal Church of God during the church’s 100 year anniversary. This church was birthed from the Azusa Street Revivals. To-date I have over 50 music and humanitarian awards received in Canada and Worldwide.

As an exceptional advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves, Dr Kay is a world changer and indeed Voice of The Voiceless!

LG: What is your greatest inspiration?

KM: I am inspired to sit at the table with Policy makers and decision makers advocating to implement transformational change that will shift the trajectory for humanity, especially people in The Continent of Africa and Third World countries.

LG: ⁠What is the most valuable lesson that life has taught you which you believe will benefit someone today?

KM: In my teenage years I had my pitfalls; at the time when I started seeking to know God for myself in humility, I was very broken. It was at this time God completely transformed my life and Anointed me for ministry. I can say that adversity is life’s university; why? because the life lessons I learned through adversity were instrumental in processing my purpose which shaped and prepared me for the great destiny that God had ordained for me.

I have learned that despite the challenges I faced, I was able to overcome because of the solid foundation and Christian values that my parents had laid during my childhood. This along with my strong faith in God, helped to sustain me. ‘For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.(1 Corinthians 3:11 (NKJV).

LG: As a female reggae gospel artist have you encountered challenges in getting the message of Christ to the masses?

KM: You should align yourself with people who are good role models; you are the next generation of leaders and so it’s imperative that you are aligned with mentors/people of good character who can instil good Spiritual values in your life to help shape your destiny. Be humble in your walk with Jesus Christ because the spirit of pride is a destiny derailer. Know your God ID, you are an original not a carbon copy; you don’t need to compete with anyone; you are here to complete; your gift is unique to you. Learn to wait on God’s timing, the process for your purpose comes with pain. Greatness comes with a price!

WhatsApp-Image-2024-05-02-at-12.14.59-1-1-1 A Musical Journey of Faith: Dr. Kay Morris shares insights on gospel and inspiration

During childhood I experienced stage fright as I sang in front of large crowds, but as I grew older I overcame it with the help of God and my late mom’s prayers. I started my own Gospel group in Montego Bay, Jamaica at the age of 16. My dad had given me an acoustic guitar and I practiced to play it and wrote many songs. We started travelling locally across various cities to minister and as a young Leader having several youths and young adults on my group, I had to get approval from their parents to travel; also one member was only 14 years old. We had to get back on Sunday night so that everyone would be in school for Monday morning.

When I got the call from God to be a reggae Gospel artist I was in Canada, it was in the form a dream. God gave me two reggae songs and the name of the groups was written on T-Shirts “Kay Morris & The Jewels”. The Lord told me to take the music, change the message and use it as a vehicle to win souls. With this mandate from God, I formed the group and we recorded our first album in 1995. At the time reggae music was taboo in the church; Pastors were not very happy that I was doing this style of Gospel Music. In fact, some even asked me if I am sure that God called me to do this. I had a lot of young singers and musicians hence some were concerned that I would lead them astray with this genre of music. However, I did not stop or deviate; I took the criticism and kept on doing what God commissioned me to do. It was Anointed Reggae Gospel Music. As I ministered on stage, The Power of The Holy Spirit moved and lives were transformed, people were healed in their seats and it literally started a movement. The group grew in popularity and we were winning awards back to back and touring extensively. God used my ministry to pioneer reggae Gospel in Canada. Today all churches are having this style of Gospel music it has become accepted and very popular across the globe.

The Lord continues to lead Dr Kay Morris as many channels have been opened for her to minister through Kay Morris Foundation. She visited Zimbabwe in April while ministering at the AFM Youth Conference in Rufaro, Masvingo Province. All thanks to AFM President Bishop AD Madawo and his team; all objectives in line with the visit were met by The Grace of God.

LG: You were in Zimbabwe recently, give us a brief of why you had gone there, if the objectives of the visit were achieved. Tell us more about Kay Morris Foundation?

KM: Kay Morris Foundation (KMF) is a Federally incorporated non profit organization based in Canada. Our mandate is to support primary health care, alleviate poverty, provide educational learning tools to students; as well as, other grassroots initiatives in Africa and other parts of the world. We are the Voice of The Voiceless.

While in Zimbabwe, KMF donated educational learning tools, toiletries, and toys to the Maninga Village Children’s Home orphanage. It was a very successful mission as the children and staff were very excited to receive the items. The delegation from the AFM church included Region Overseer and his wife Rev George Moyo; her host Pastor Rabson Matawe, and Pastor Trymore Mashizha.

LG: If you were to die today, would you say that you had accomplished everything you were created to do? If not what is it?

KM: I would very much like to live and accomplish all that which God has created me to become and do. I have the confidence that I will not die but I will live and proclaim the goodness of God in the land of the living. The thought of separation of body and spirit must never frighten us regardless. Do not fear death because death is our greatest enemy, but Jesus Christ has already conquered death, hell and the grave; He has given us the keys to the Kingdom.

I know that God has allowed me to accomplish a lot of things but there are still a whole lot more work I have to accomplish for Him; there are still many prophecies over my life that is yet to be fulfilled; my assignment in the earth is not ordinary. I am here on business for the King; God has called me with multi-purposes. It is said that the graveyard is a very wealthy place because the devil has aborted many people’s purpose; but in The Name of Jesus I refuse to die and leave my assignment unfinished. I am assigned in this End-Times to mentor and raise up the next Generation of Leaders; for me the journey has just begun.

As Believers we are aware that the enemy of our soul hates those who are a threat to the kingdom of darkness; he does not want us to carry out our assignment on earth and so we must guard our purpose through prayer, The Word, and fasting. When we dwell in the Secret Place of The Most High; the devil cannot take out our purpose. The Bible says death and life is in the power of the tongue; as an Anointed vessel of God constantly engaged in Spiritual warfare, I have always made this declaration over my life that un-timely death is not in my destiny. This is very important for Believers to know. We speak The Written Word God over our lives (Psalm 91:16).

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